In the Car

Hello once again, my friends. It has been a few minutes since we last spoke, so I thought that I would take the time to ramble on for a few moments. I know that you all need this, and I sure as hell do. I've missed our warm transfers, and have missed my charm, and wit. And for those reasons, I talk to you all now.

This month is still August, at least for a little bit longer. The hottest month of the year. Surprisingly, however, it has been a pretty mild August. The temperature hasn't really been on our minds much. What has been is our sweet, baby girl, Hope. This first month of her life has been a bit rough. She started off worrying us with jaundice. Once the worry of that was over, she decided to worry us with a weight problem. She struggled for weeks to get back up to her birth weight. So we spent much of the month at the doctor's office. Thankfully, she has finally reached her birth weight, and then some. One less worry. Which is nice, because we could really use a little less worry.

In the world of my right foot, I'm sad to report that it still hasn't spontaneously grown back. I m still hopeful that it will, but I'm no longer holding my breath for it. The good news, however, is that I get my prosthetic foot on Tuesday. I worked a bit with it a few weeks ago, just to test it out. Now I finally get to take it home. I'm scared though. I've read that in some cases the phantom pains, which I have not dealt with much so far, really kick into overdrive once the prosthetic comes into play. Still, I am looking forward to walking again. Even if it's just a small amount to begin with, I'll take it. If nothing, I can finally be a bit more helpful around the house.

We now have come to the point in my post where I am not sure what to talk about. That is always the hardest part of these for me. I have so much to say, until I actually start writing, and then my words sort of escape me. I have turned on the sirens, and sent the search dogs, so I'm thinking that I'll find my words pretty soon. It's just a matter of patience.

So... I've been drawing pictures, and coloring them a lot, lately. They're just goofy, messed up, off the wall pictures, but they really amuse me. I think it's a way of releasing some of my election year, work stress. And work has been a huge nightmare just lately. I'm happy that I have a job, but on election years, it starts to really get to me at times. The strange drawings are at least some way to ease the stress of the day.

In other news, I can't say that I have any other news. For the moment, I believe that I have nothing further to say. I did find my words, but not all of them were willing to return with me. So for now, I appreciate all of you listening to my rambling. And if you didn't read this, then thanks for nothing.




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