Five Days In A Lifetime

Monday, July 16th:

Today, I would like to talk about pretty much nothing. Meaning that I really have nothing to talk about. Not much is going on right now. There are a few things that I would like to mention, but overall, I really have no topic in mind for this post. I guess I just felt like sitting here and typing for a bit. So as you can see, there really is no real reason for me to write this post, and no real reason for you to read this post. What you'll get this time is a bit of my wonderful ginger charm, my winning personality, and just a small taste of my incredible wit, and human understanding. I think I just saw a few of you ladies swooning. Well, calm that shit. This damned dirty ginger is taken.

So, let's get right to it. I'd like to spend just a few moment to talk about my foot... or lack thereof. There has still been no new news on my prosthetic. I am going to have to break down and call about it today. Normally I don't like to do that. I don't like to bother people if I can avoid it. I try to make the least amount of ass of myself as humanely possible. Not that that always works out for me. I've always preferred to treat people with kindness and respect. And though the office said that they would call me back in a few days, they have not. And I now must show a certain amount of disrespect and call them. I don't know why I find that rude, but I do. I guess it's hard to teach an old Rob new... um... new Rob things.

In baby news, Hope will be here in less than three weeks. If all goes well anyway. If something comes up, we will have to deliver sooner. But at least we have a date to plan for now. And the funny thing is that it is just one day before my youngest brother's birthday. We got to hang out with her yesterday, as Julia was hooked up to a monitor, so we could listen to Hope's heartbeat. Nice, and strong. And she is one ornery little girl in there. I swear it looks like she is trying to stage a jail break out of that womb. And I can't say I blame her. When we looked at her with the ultrasound, it is clear that that little baby girl is quickly running out of room. It's enough to set my RLS immediately on edge. 

I am currently listening to my favorite Queen album right now. The weird thing for me is that it is a compilation. It's called "Classic Queen", and it was my first real exposure to the band. I knew a few of the bigger hits before I first played this album, but that was about it. I remember playing the hell out of this album when my dad first picked it up in the mid 90's. Such an amazing bunch of musicians. Their songwriting is incredible, and their musicianship is rare to come by. All four guys in this band were nothing short of genius. Even if Freddie is the one that is most commonly name checked, the entire group are talented. And I just love this album. You know, since you asked.

Update: I started this blog post this afternoon. It is now just after 8:30. We have finished dinner. A delightful concoction called "slop". Basically just noodles, with cheese sauce, hamburger, and frozen veggies. It was pretty good. I don't know if I'd call it the greatest food ever... that would be Julia's elote... but I liked it okay. There was the usual dinner table talk, including Logan hitting on me far more than I would care for. But it wasn't as headache inducing as some dinner talk has ended up being.

We had another baby doctor appointment today. We got to have an ultrasound, and spent a good twenty minutes in that tiny, dark room, while a tech checked out all of the fluids, and our baby's growth. Everything looked great. She's measuring where she should be in most areas. The only part that measured differently were her legs... they measure about three weeks ahead of where we are in the pregnancy. Otherwise, everything is just perfect at this stage of the pregnancy. 

We also found out that Hope will be officially joining us on July 30th. At first they wanted us to deliver on the 24th, but we negotiated an extra week. The reason for the change of date was that Julia has slightly elevated blood pressure, due to the pregnancy, and they are slightly worried about Julia. Since the baby is growing right on course, and everything looks good, and she is considered at term, it's safe to have her in less than two weeks. I am so excited to meet my little girl. This is one happy daddy right here. 

Update: Friday, July 20th

Well, I meant to finish up this post days ago, but I guess I just got distracted. I'd imagine that it was something shiny. As a result, I guess this post is more like a "Five Days In A Lifetime" sort of event. I know, that's so very exciting. I can see a few of you in the audience that can barely breathe, from their sheer excitement. I aim to please, my friends. And since I live such an exciting life, now you all get to live an exciting life with me! You are all so blessed, and lucky.

So, since I last updated here, not too much has happened in my life. I worked a bunch. I slept a bit. I played some Pokemon Go. As I said, my life is full of excitement right now. The day of Hope's arrival draws ever nearer, and that I am pretty excited about. Less than two weeks. I can hardly believe the time is nearly here. We have a poll going to decide what color her hair will be. So far, there is a tie with Red, and Dirty Blonde. Each has three votes. I'm hoping for red. I've always wanted a cute little ginger baby. She'll be so adorable either way. My cute little baby girl.

In the music department, I've received all of my Radiant orders. In the last couple weeks I've received the Live Similitude show (which Neal Morse autographed personally!) from the Neal Morse Band, the Neal Morse albums "So Many Roads", "God Won't Give Up", and "Momentum". I got the deluxe Blu-Ray/CD/DVD package of TransAtlantic's "KaLIVEascope", and the deluxe white vinyl edition of "Spock's Beard: Snow - Live". So my Neal Morse collection is slowly building back up to its previous glory.

In the land of my foot... it's still gone. I've searched near, and far for that thing, and it is nowhere to be seen. I can't imagine what awful things that it's doing out there, but it scares me. In all seriousness, I will not be getting a prosthetic by the time that Hope is born. That saddens me, but at least I will get to be there when she is born. And that is worth all of the gold in the world, and more. Maybe I won't be standing, but when my baby girl gets here, I will be one of the very first people to meet her.

Anyhow, I guess that's all that I have to say for now. I will update you all again later. Until then... toodles, mah noodles.


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