The Walking Rob
Losing a limb is hard work. There are so many things that you don't think about when you're told that a foot needs to be removed. The big things are the first to enter your mind. Obvious stuff, like walking, driving, and counting to twenty. But there are myriad small things that you don't realize at first. Simple things, like going to the bathroom, taking shower, and doing jumping jacks. But all of these things sort of pale in comparison to one very big thing that I did not think about. The zombie apocalypse. For years I've had a zombie apocalypse plan. We've had a team hand picked, with each person bringing their own special talents to the team. We had a meeting place figured out. Pretty much any detail that you can think of, we've had planned out for a long time. Unfortunately we did not plan on my losing my right foot. And this obviously changes a lot. We want each team member to be able to carry their own weight. Clearly I can not do that. So I'm le...