My Life Today

When I started this blog, I wanted to talk about my life. I wanted to talk about all facets of my life. However, it seems like I talk about my missing foot, more than anything else. Of course, it has to be understandable. The surgery took place only two weeks ago. So there are still a lot of things up in the air in that area. But that's not all that is going on in my life. Things that have nothing to do with the stub of a leg that I now find myself looking down at, in disgust. So maybe today, I'll talk about something else for a bit.

The pregnancy. If there is something in my life that is more important than any other, it's the baby. Julia is now going on 25 weeks pregnant. The baby is growing more every day. I have felt her kicking up a storm, and also just sort of bumping around in there. It's such a cool feeling, to feel my little girl moving around so much. We have an appointment with the baby doc on Friday. We also have another ultrasound scheduled for the same day, so maybe I'll have some pictures to share of my little girl. I'm really looking forward to it.

August is coming quick, and we are slowly getting more of the things that we need for Hope. My brother and sister in law hooked us up with an awesome car seat, a swing, and a walker this past weekend. We also bought a box of really cute clothing from them. My niece Avery just turned one, so we lucked out on the gender of the baby. It's pretty convenient to get some cheap clothing, that looks very good still. I can't wait for Hope to ruin it. Okay, I hope she doesn't ruin it. Then we can pass them on to another set of expecting parents. That's the circle of life, my friends.

Around the home, most things are going the same as they always do. Kids argue. Kids fight. Parents look forward to bed time. The end of the school year is coming very fast. That makes me sad. I am so totally not ready for summer vacation yet. What's a dad supposed to do? We can't sell them. We can't give them away. The circus won't even take them. Nope. It looks like they will be hanging around here for a few months. I guess that you should probably wish us luck on that one.

If you hadn't noticed, I had to change the address of my blog. I had some people that were very angry about something I said on a previous blog post. I'm not going to get into it much, but I will say that it is kind of sad that I had to change so much to make sure these people couldn't read what I write. If you don't like me, and trust me, these people do not like me, then just stop reading what I have to write. I don't care about what you think about me, or my life. I don't care about you. And I will do my best to not give you, or your lives a second thought. It's time to move on. Worry about your own family, and your own life. I'm going to be fine. I may have "one foot in the grave", but I'm not going to be checking out any time soon. I've got many years left in me. And I hope that you all do as well. Just, live those years away from me. I'm not going to say anything further, on this subject. But if you do happen to read this, I wish you well.

I guess I don't have much else to say right now. Julia and I have dinner cooking, and it's about done. I made some chicken, baked with mushroom soup, and fresh onions and mushrooms. It smells, and looks so good. We also have some fresh green beans that Julia cooked up, and some wild rice that's about done. It's going to be a tasty dinner. So until the next time, I thank you all, once again, for reading what I write.

Many blessings,

By the way... the picture really has nothing to do with this post, I just really liked it.


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