Being Me

I've been a bit emotional today. Well, since last night. I don't know why, I just started crying. I can't even say it has anything to do with the loss of my right foot. I just felt the tears coming, and they wouldn't stop. I've always been a bit of a crier. I cry at TV shows. I cry because of books. Movies make me cry. Hell, if a song is emotional, it sets me crying as well. I know, men aren't supposed to cry. But that has always bothered me. Why can't men cry? We have feelings as well. At least, I sure as hell do.

As far as the foot, I'm still in pretty high spirits. I'm waiting for the hard part to come. The physical therapy. I can't imagine that that is going to be easy. It's going to be hard work. But it's going to be worth it. I'm going to work as hard as I can. I'm going to focus on my future, turn the blinders on my past, and work for the life that I want to give Hope, and the rest of my family.

I gotta believe that everything is going to go great with my recovery. I'm in a couple amputee facebook groups, and some of the things that I've read are kind of scary. I've read about problems with sores getting so bad, that people end up going under the knife again, and losing more of their leg. Throughout everything with my foot, I've always been bad to worse case scenario. This time around, I'm praying that I'm not worse case. I need to get through this unscathed. August is approaching very quickly. I want to be in the delivery room when Hope enters this world. That's what I'm working for. That's what I'm working towards.

On the subject of the book that I'm going to write about this journey, I think I've about got the beginning of the book figured out. I've always found that just starting a book is the hardest part. Looking at that empty page, wondering where to go from there. It's hard. It's the beginning of a journey, in and of itself. But I need to write this book. I'm hoping there's an audience for it. But even if there isn't, I still need to write it. Writing is very therapeutic for me. It helps me through any fog that is clouding my mind.

Life is funny. I was so miserable before I left my ex. I was just counting down the days until I would pass on, and get out of my miserable life. I had both feet, but I didn't want my life. Now, my life is so much better. I'm thinking it is leagues better. Even without my right foot, I am happier than I have been in so very long. And why wouldn't I be? My girlfriend is amazing. Our kids are fantastic. And when Hope comes to join our family, I'm going to be the happiest man in the world. So if I have to work hard to learn how to walk again, then I will. That's my motivation. And if I can remain happy while I do it, then that's fantastic.

I'm still considering getting therapy. I don't feel like I need it right now. But I don't know how I'm going to feel further on down the road. My girlfriend and I both think that it couldn't hurt. My problem with it is that I have social anxiety. It's going to be hard to talk to someone that I don't really know. But I need to continue being me. Through all of this, I need to come out the other side still Rob. And if a little therapy helps in any way, then it's something that I need to do.

Well, I guess I'll stop rambling on for now. Thank you all for reading the words that I've written. And I hope you all have a beautiful, blessed day.

Love you all,


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