Back in April, I suddenly found myself to be about a foot shorter on the right side. Strangely enough, it came after a surgeon expertly amputated my right foot. I had spent my entire life growing that foot, and in a brief morning surgery, it was gone. Suddenly I found myself without a leg to stand on. Still, I put my only foot forward, placed one foot in front of the... same foot, and started trying to figure out how to live my new normal. Well, as new normal as a one footed, green eyed, left handed, ginger can live. I may be a foot below all of the rest, but at least I'm sure footed, when I pussyfoot around. Living without a foot that you had spent your entire life getting to know isn't all bad jokes, and good times. There are difficulties that come with it, as you might imagine. And with much difficulty comes great... increased difficulty. Gone are the days where I could just saunter up to the corner store for a Klondike Bar, and a licorice whip. No longer can I enter e...